January 10, 2025

ii bought another fiigure...! iit's shiippiing out today from chiina...! ii have liike 3 fiigures now and have ordered liike 11 so ii thiink ii have a problem bahahahaha. also iive been laggiing behiind iin school stuff...ii guess iim more of a fiirefiighter part than anythiing else, so ii tend to just seek out actiiviitiies that giive me dopamiine and make me happy...but...that could be a problem...

- Bibi

January 6, 2025

ii diidnt resiist the deviils today...the deviils telliing me to spend money on aniime fiigures...ii spent liike $75 on a needy streamer overload kangel fiigure...but...totally worth hehehe...

- Bibi

January 2, 2025

second day of the new year woooo. so tiired...had a good day today though. went out to ramen wiith roommate and host's partner. played a lot of ciiv 5 wiith friiends. not lookiing forward to school startiing agaiin on monday though...boo. we're not gonna have tiime to do our hobbiies liike web desiign and stuff!! auuggh!!

- Bibi

January 1, 2025

IIT'S THE NEW YEAR!!! well techniically iim updatiing thiis on the second day of the new year but don't worry about iit. so much stuff happened today - our host got a new washer from a guy on facebook marketplace (FIIRST MMIISTAKE!!) and then the facebook marketplace guy fucked up iinstalliing iit - and then we have water damage that costs a total of THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS!!! iim so fuckiing mad !!! so, all iin all, not a great start to the nwe year. but ii dont beliieve iin bad luck chaiins so iim safe.

- Bibi