i got a job offer today...! and oh, yeah, i guess im hijacking bibi's blog a bit to type in some of my own stuff. i truly dont feel as connected to my own blog account, and the distinction between the two of us is so blurry sometimes...
eeeeeeeh we'll figure it out at some point. if anything, bibi might just have a portion of my blog on his blog. different aestehtic, same kinda content...just from me instead of him, lol.
but yeah, job. kinda cool, kinda scary. i might be working in the office of a federal judge this summer, we'll see. there's still a lot of stuff i have to figure out in the meantime, but the prospect...im not gonna lie, it's exciting.
at the same time though, im kind of sad. sad that my friends are hurting, i think. it's been rough for a lot of us. it always is for trauma survivors, you know, but i feel like these couple of months have been an especially rough time. i hope it passes soon and we get some collective relief, at least.
growing up is hard....it's hard and nobody understands...
maybe ill share some more about our hurting sometime. it's cathartic, i think, to be able to write it down somewhere. and it's comforting to think that someone out there is listening.
head is hurting again, so ill stop writing for now. but ill come back to it sometime.
- Lee February 16, 2025woof...ii was gonna type somethiing here, but ii kiind of forgot what iit was...my memory's been gettiing worse lately, whiich iis kiinda scary. ii don't rlly know what to do about iit except just deal, though. let me see iif ii can retriieve what ii was gonna say...
ahhh....riight. fiigures. and websiite updatiing. and also addiing our art, and also thiinkiing about our friiend who passed last june. kiinda makes me feel melancholiic whenever ii talk about iit. iim wonderiing iif ii should dediicate a portiion of our siite for iit, but ii don't know how iit would feel about that...probably honored, but ii also don't want to put all that priivate stuff on blast. but maybe iit'd be niice to put iits presence out there iin the world somehow...deciisiions, deciisiions.
ii really miiss iit. iits name was iris. ii thiink ii can feel comfortable sayiing that, at least. now that ii thiink on iit more, iid liike to dediicate some portiion of the siite to iit, though ii dont know iif workiing on that part of the siite iis gonna make us diissociiate badly and kiinda render us nonfunctiional. drawbacks of the whole mental iillness thiing, ii suppose.
ii wiish ii had tiime these days to work on these kiinds of projects iin any kiind of meaniingful way. every day's been so busy, and everythiing's just been go-go-go...there's no tiime to stop and kiind of reflect on stuff, you know? ii feel liike iim miissiing a lot of opportuniitiies to connect wiith friiends and take care of my own mental health these days. but, you know. what can you do.
wriitiing thiis made me feel fuzzy. thiink iim gonna take a break from thiinkiing about thiings for a liittle biit. was niice to put iit all down somewhere, though.
- Bibitoday my roommate got me a fiigure 8) very niice of them to do that. iim exciited to open iit! ii also diid an iinterviiew for a summer job today. ii thiink ii flubbed iit a liittle but the iinterviiewer was super niice. ii hope ii stiil have a chance to get the job...
what else happened today...ii wanted to mentiion somethiing else but forgot what iit was. oh ii guess we got a new washiing machiine. ii cant waiit to wash clothes at home again lololol.
- Bibiso iin the past two days ii have:
so yeah yo ucould say iit's been a long fuckiing two days. ii havent even had tiime to opene the two fiiguure packages ii got, but iill do that as soon as ii can get the energy to and post on my fiiguures page. LOL
- Bibi