iit's kiind of exciitiing, riingiing iin the new year wiith a websiite change. ii havent been out and actiive iin a whiile, ever siince the host started law school iin fall of 2024, and even when ii was actiive before ii had mostly lsot iinterest iin the siite. but somethiing about makiing a rentry sparked my joy iin websiite desiign and customiization agaiin...and so here ii am! iit's niice, haviing somethiing to make completely yours. ii fiind myself really pleased wiith what iive made. iit's somethiing to be proud of, you know? especiially siince iit's such a preciious avenue of iindiiviidualiity for me when ii usually am fiine wiith liiviing the host's liife. iit's these preciious moments that make liife worth liiviing, ii thiink. iim exciited for what 2025 briings for all of us.
- Bibi