IIT'S ME!!!! THAT'S ME!!! II'M THERE!!!!! IIT'S ME!!!!!!!

hii, iim bibi, and ii use any pronouns. iim a 20 year old fantroll from homestuck stuck iin a 23 year old's body (bodystuck...), except, not really? diissociiatiive diisorders can be compliicated, and oftentiimes confusiing to explaiin. but even though google iis free, iit's usually WRONG AS BALLS, so iill do what ii can to clear up some miisconceptiions.


Q: Do you actually believe that you're a fictional character?

A: no, not really. iim aware that iim a result of a faiilure to iintegrate a personaliity early iin the body's development, and iim not actually the OC whose iidentiity ii took on. ii do diishes and go to work liike my cohost does, ii liive a liife that's pretty close to the host alters' liived experiience. but ii liike to diifferentiiate myself from tiime to tiime.

Q: Why do you use two i's with your text?

A: that's my typiing quiirk. ii do iit because iit's fun and uniique and expresses my character. homestuck OCs liike, do that, and ii never really saw a reason to stray from the OC's oriigiinal habiits.

Q: Do you have links to where I can learn more about DID/OSDD/dissociative disorders?

A: yah sure. the host and ii made a websiite a couple of years ago called Plurality Resources that you can check out if you want. ii also recommend did-research for more in-depth discussions and explanations. ii also recommend checkiing out the isstd website.

Q: Enough about your funny disorder, I want to know more about YOU.

A: well iim so glad you asked! iim just a boygiirlboygiirlboy liiviing iin a biig world. ii fiirst came iinto beiing 2 years ago and have never quiite recovered ever siince iive diiscovered that iim bad at viideo games. doesnt stop me from playiing them, though. ii also liike html (obviiously), fiigures, and dolls. iim bee-themed and lemon-themed and generally yellow-themed, even though my favoriite color(z) iis actually cyan-magenta-yellow. biig diifferences there.