bibi any pronouns
age 20
system co-host
hii! iim bibi, and thiis iis my webbed siite. ii liike aniime figures, viideo games, and y2k.
iim the co-host of an osdd1b system called the CCP (Communiist Cunt Party). ii welcome any questiions about pluraliity, beiing an alter, and my general iinterests!
- 2/14/2025 - ediited journal page, added journal entry
- 2/4/2025 - put back journal and journal entriies
- 2/1/2025 - added journal entry
- 1/19/2025 - updated fiigures liist, removed guestbook liink on top bar
- 1/11/2025 - moved journal to collectiive websiite
- 1/10/2025 - created/added new badge, added collectiive siites, rearranged stuff iin liinks, removed fanliistiings
- 1/6/2025 - added journal entry, added scrollbar to updates box
- 1/2/2025 - added more liinks to liink page
- 1/1/2025 - renamed collectiion -> toybox, chatbox -> guestbook, made liinks iits own page, removed fiiguya page, ADDED MORE BEES!!!!!
- 12/31/2024 - added workiing guestbook, fiiguya page, journal page; updated about page, collectiion page
- 11/5/22 - updated about page and collectiion page
- 11/1/22 - redesiigned siite layout